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COVID-19: What you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic on 26 May

People wearing protective face masks walk past a banner amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Madrid, Spain May 26, 2020. REUTERS/Sergio Perez - RC2BWG9R3VDN

The World Economic Forum COVID Action Platform 

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This every day gather together presents to you a choice of the most recent news reports on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, just as tips and instruments to assist you with remaining educated and secured. 

Today's top stories: WHO cautions of second COVID-19 pinnacle; preliminary of hydroxycholoroquine suspended; rights bunch cautions of effect on kids; and how to remain safe while flying. 

What is the World Economic Forum doing about the coronavirus episode? 

1. How COVID-19 is influencing the globe 

Confirmed coronavirus cases have arrived at 5.5 million around the world, as indicated by Johns Hopkins University. In excess of 345,000 individuals have kicked the bucket from the infection, while more than 2 million have recouped. 

Russia reports record one-day ascend in coronavirus passings. 

The Trump Administration presented a movement restriction on Brazil, as the nation outperformed the US every day loss of life. 

The pandemic will have a "sad" sway on kids' privileges around the world, says rights gathering. 

2. WHO cautions of 'second pinnacle' 

Nations where coronavirus contaminations are declining could in any case face a "prompt second pinnacle" in the event that they let up too early on measures to end the flare-up, the World Health Organization (WHO) cautioned on Monday. 

Dr Michael J. Ryan, Chief Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program said that while numerous cases are declining in certain nations, they are as yet expanding in Central and South America, South Asia and Africa. 

Scourges frequently come in waves, Ryan stated, and flare-ups could return not long from now in places where the principal wave has died down. There was additionally an opportunity that contamination rates could increase again more rapidly if measures to stop the main wave were lifted too early. 

"At the point when we talk about a second wave traditionally what we frequently mean is there will be a first flood of the malady without anyone else, and afterward it repeats months after the fact. What's more, that might be a reality for some nations in some of months' time," Ryan said. 

Picture: Statista 

3. Hydroxycholoroquine preliminary suspended 

The WHO has suspended testing of the intestinal sickness sedate hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 patients because of security concerns. 

On 22 May, The Lancet distributed an observational examination on the medications hydroxycholoroquine and chloraquine, in particular on their impacts on emergency clinic patients experiencing the novel coronavirus. The creators assessed a "higher death rate" among patients getting the medication, with danger of death expanding by 34% and genuine heart arrhythmias by 137%. 

Meanwhile, a gathering of members in the WHO's Solidarity Trial declared that until they can assess the medication's latent capacity damages and advantages, they would put an "impermanent interruption" of the hydroxychloroquine area of the preliminary, while the information is looked into by the Data Safety Monitoring Board. 

"I wish to emphasize that these medications are acknowledged as commonly ok for use in patients with immune system infections or intestinal sickness," WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a web based instructions on Monday. 

4. Step by step instructions to remain safe while flying 

With lockdown limitations starting to ease in certain nations, numerous individuals are beginning to ask when they can travel once more. Ordinarily, this implies jumping on a plane. 

In any case, is it safe, and how might you make the experience as protected as could reasonably be expected? 

In this article, a disease transmission specialist and an introduction researcher walk you through how to limit the danger of presentation to COVID-19 during air travel. #takeoff

Just as utilizing straightforward cleanliness tips and outfitting yourself with explicit information about your air terminal and flight, they prompt embracing a technique called a #veteransday "Heirarchy of Control" - a methodology regularly utilized by social insurance experts. 

"This methodology completes two things," the writers compose.#mapping "It centers around systems to control exposures near the source. Second, it limits the amount you need to depend on singular human conduct to control presentation. It's imperative to recall you might be irresistible and everybody around you may likewise be irresistible."

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